Improved Health in Farming – How to Utilize Land Effectively

Vertical Farm

A major struggle our planet faces in the next half century is how to produce enough food to feed ourselves, and also do so without destroying our planet and filling our waterways with antibiotics, hormones, and waste from these same farms.  Creating a environmentally healthy farming solution, that’s also friendlyRead More…

Selection of Food Choices that are Both Green and Healthy


Our environment is facing an existential risk as farming and land use drives massive pollution into waterways, ground water leaching and extreme harm to the atmosphere due to methane production from farm animals. There’s some tremendous damage caused by the traditional mass production and heavy meat consumption of the modernRead More…

The Feasibility of Changing Our Grid and Autos to Renewables


We all want an energy grid that’s cleaner and better for the environment. In fact, most scientists agree that unless something is done majorly to curb CO2 emissions worldwide, the Earth will reach a tipping point and climate change will cause irreparable harm over the next several hundred years toRead More…

Electricity Storage – Challenges For A Fully Renewable Grid

Wind Storage

One of the greatest obstacles we must overcome is the challenges faced in storing electricity made from non-reliable sources, such as wind, solar or tidal energy. These sources already produce energy that is above the rates people want to pay, so if it is not used, it presents an evenRead More…

Geofarming to Improve the Agriculture of Europe

Abandoned Farmhouse

It’s certainly not a surprise that we need a very healthy agricultural sector in our country in order to maintain a high degree of security, health among our population and availability of important diet staples. The lack of any one of these things could result in tremendously negative outcomes forRead More…

The Technical Challenges of a Green Future

Green Buildings

Humanity is on the verge of something tremendously difficult to overcome. Will we continue to pursue “cheaper” energy that also will eventually cause us a great deal of harm? This is the question the world faces over the next 40 years, and it’s one that no one really has anRead More…

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